How To Build A WordPress Blog

Are you ready to build your WordPress website?  Follow this guide to learn how. I’ll show you how to build a WordPress site starting directly after a fresh installation.  If you haven’t installed WordPress yet, follow my article on “how to start a blog“. In this guide I’ll go step by step over the components…

PHP Operators

PHP Operators An operator is something that takes one or more values (or expressions, in programming jargon) and yields another value (so that the construction itself becomes an expression). Unary Operator – requires one operand Binary Operator – requires two operands Ternary Operator – requires three operands Precedence – defines the order of operations, which…

Complete List of Standard HTML5 Tags

= New in HTML5 <!DOCTYPE> is not a tag, but rather a declaration.  All HTML documents must start with a <!DOCTYPE> declaration.  In HTML5, the declaration is <!DOCTYPE html>. Structural Tags Tag Description <a> Defines a hyperlink or an anchor. <article> Defines self contained content like a blog post or forum post. <aside> Defines some…